The Equinox.
Spring is more than a season. It’s crossing
a line —
the celestial equator
This is a turning point for creatives, an event designed to “cross the line”
Eyes on the light up ahead, and hearts full of all we’ve learned in the dark.
O&W is hosting an event around this seasonal shift to stimulate the imagination, engage the mind, and converse with creatives eager for freshness, ready to shake off staleness.
The gallery experience at Marketview Arts will include a panel discussion and an art show curated from the O&W community with opportunities for personal reflection that we hope cultivate a conversation with the inner artist.
3/19. 2-4pm. 37 W Philadelphia St. Marketview Arts. 3rd Floor Gallery.
Q&A Panel Discussion 2:30
Our a panel of artists and creatives will be discussing both the positive and negative strides made in media regarding representation of all kinds of humans. This Q&A will be designed to address how we can better understand and recognize people of all kinds and why diversity in our circles of work is so crucial for an individual’s development.
There’s a story behind everything, and in understanding someone’s story, you understand a little bit more about the complexity of being human– or at least, find the compassion to understand that you don’t know everything and that inspires the search for so much more.
Art Show 2:00-4:00
We’ll be hosting our first ever art show featuring the work of local photographers, graphic designers, and artists of many mediums who have chosen to tell the story of discovering humanity through an honest lens. A lens that magnifies what is true– both the light, and the dark… the balance that we must hang between in order to fully know and be known.
Want to be a part? We’re calling on creatives who are breaking through the narrow minded valve we’ve come to know as “media” and “content”. The one’s who want to SAY SOMETHING with the ART they create.